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The 17th Tonbridge Air Troop was formed in the late 1970's and has been providing a varied programme of Scouting to the boys (and latterly girls) of the Higham Wood area of Tonbridge ever since.

Based at the Methodist Church in North Tonbridge, the troop meets every week during School term time. The Troop currently has over 40 Scouts and more than 10 regular adult leaders and helpers.

Air Scouting is a special branch of Scouting in the UK. Being Air Scouts means we do all the things that a normal Scout Troop would do, plus a few extra aviation based activities. We wear a blue Air Scout uniform and follow the programme and badges laid out by the Scout Association in the UK. The troop is proud to be one of only 50 UK Air Scout Troops officially reconised by the RAF.


RAF Recognised

Troop #21

Our air activites include:

    • The ever popular "Plane of the Week".
    • Paper plane competitions, rocket making and model hovercraft.
    • Behind the scenes visits to airports such as Heathrow and Gatwick.
    • Visits to airshows and air museums.
    • Tours of RAF bases and (in the past) flights in RAF aircraft.
    • Power-kiting.
    • Flights in the Kent Scout Microlight.
    • Flying 747's in BA's state-of-the-art Flight Simulators

...while our Scout activities include:

    • Map reading and Fire lighting.
    • Hikes and wide games.
    • Cooking and Camping.
    • Kayaking and Rafting.
    • Climbing and Mountain Biking.
    • Scout Games and 1st Aid Training.
    • Incident Hikes and Night Hikes.
    • Expeditions and talks from guests.
    • Pioneering and orienteering.

...plus much more!

The Scout Troop is part of the Higham Wood Scout & Guide Group which includes Rainbows, Beavers, Brownies, Cubs, Scouts, Guides and a Guide Ranger Unit. The award winning 17th Tonbridge Scout & Guide Band is another activity provided by the Higham Wood Scout and Guide Group and started off made up entirely by members of the Group, although it now recruits from across Tonbridge and beyond.

Unfortunately the Troop is currently more than full and we can only accept new Scouts who come up through the two 17th Tonbridge Cub Packs. If you'd like to find out about alternative Scouting opportunities in Tonbridge, please contact Tonbridge District Scouts.

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